Our expienced team in China help you find suitable products in Chinas gigantic market. Either we search for a specific OEM product, or we help you fill an entire category. We will always audit several suppliers to make sure price and quality is competitive, and handle all negotiation.
With our service ”fair monitoring”, we can be your eyes and ears at relevant fairs for a first mover competitive edge. We can also assist with market research at intended sales markets to make sure your product has features and pricing to become a high grosser.
If you want to develop a new product, we can take your idea to finished product in a quick cost effective manner.
Unlike many others, we take responsibility for products delivered.
We love to help our clients develop new products, and are assisted by our engineering pool and tight cooperation with suppliers in different areas. To us, this does not have to be a long process, we have taken ideas to market in a matter of weeks.
In December 2020 we got a request to design and manufacture a stainless steel table. The aim was to have a high quality table ready for Swedish market early spring 2021.
Idea -> Blueprint
In close cooperation with our client, we created the design and defined suitable materials. The Swedish marked was investigated for insights on pricing and features on similar products.
Revised drawing
Together with the chosen supplier we iterated the design, to leverage their knowledge on production and with aim to deliver a product with competitive price, smart packaging / logistics, and easy assembly by end-customer.
Within one month from client idea, we had a sample ready for inspection in China. After approval, it was delivered to Sweden for client inspection and photography.
Our heritage lies in delivering complex industrial products, to high demanding customers. Hence, quality control has been a crucial part of our sourcing process. And the same goes for consumer goods.
In addition to controlling quality on goods before leaving China, we make sure all necessary documents, manuals and certifications are in place.
We take full responsibility for the products delivered, should there be any issues, you can always call us instead of a supplier in China.
Our legacy is built on providing intricate industrial products to discerning clients. This has made quality control an integral facet of our sourcing process, a principle that extends seamlessly to consumer goods.
Beyond assuring quality prior to departure from China, we meticulously ensure the presence of essential documents, manuals, and certifications.
With us, you're not alone. We shoulder full responsibility for the products we deliver. In case of any concerns, reach out to us directly, bypassing the need to contact suppliers in China. Your peace of mind is our commitment.
Please get in touch with us with you inquiry, and we will contact you shortly.
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